Top Tree LLC can help you manage any tree hazards you have on your property. We are some of the best arborists in the Tri-Cities and can either give you advice on how to manage your trees or perform any preventative maintenance you need.
Trees located within a certain distance of new construction, generally 20 feet or less, are almost always recommended for removal. Tree condition is also a good assessment for whether a tree would be a candidate for removal. Young, vigorous, healthy trees are the best candidates for protection, because they grow new tissue quickly and adapt readily to new environments.
However, it is large, old trees that are most often the focus of preservation. Of course, it is possible to preserve old trees as long as they are healthy, but younger ones may give the best return on investment. Vigorous trees usually have full canopies and healthy leaves. Three conditions indicate poor tree health. First the leaves are small and pale for the species. Second, some of the branches are dead. Finally, most of the foliage arises from short twigs along the major limbs, known as epicormic growth. Trees with large cavities or other structural weaknesses are not good candidates for preservation, unless the problems can be alleviated by pruning, cabling or bracing.
Evaluation guidelines for possible removal:
• Tree is dead or dying.
• Tree is deemed hazardous, when the hazardous condition cannot be corrected through pruning or other reasonable arboricultural practices. When trees are not deemed dead, dying or hazardous, the following factors will be considered:
• Life expectancy of the tree.
• Desirability of the tree species.
• Amount of space available for tree growth.
• Overall quality and structural integrity of the tree.
• Persistent and uncontrollable insect, disease or fruiting problems.
We will continue this series over the next few months covering a wide array of topics. Don’t forget, when you’re looking for the best tree maintenance company in Richland, we’d love the chance to earn your business.