The fall season in the Tri-Cities can be hit or miss. Sometimes they’re a little on the colder side and sometimes there can be a bit mild. But just to make sure you prepare for the harshest conditions, you will want to ensure your trees receive enough water going into the cold season.
Remove Wayward Seedlings
Any tree can occasionally produce branches that brush against the house, hang too low over a pathway, or block the view from a window. In the case of a seedling, you will want to do some quick pruning, trimming, or possible removing of any seedlings that could pose a hazard.
Spray For Insects
Boring insects are often the most harmful to trees and if left intreated can cause death. Boring, or tunneling, insects cause damage by boring into the stem, roots, or twigs of a tree. Some lay eggs which then hatch and the larvae burrow more deeply into the wood blocking off the water-conducting tissues of the tree. Boring insects generally feed on the vascular tissues of the tree.
If the infestation is serious, the upper leaves are starved of nutrients and moisture and the tree can die. Signs of borer infestation include entry/exit holes in the bark, small mounds of sawdust at the base, and sections of the crown wilting and dying. It is important to regularly monitor a tree’s trunk for signs of boring insects to enable early identification and quick treatment.
Keep in mind that having trees on your property comes with a little bit of maintenance. With just a little tree maintenance, you can prevent most major pitfalls. You won’t have to be worried about trees causing property damage or even worse, personal injury. We look forward to discussing your needs. We have trained arborists in the Tri-Cities that are professional and that can answer any questions you have.