February 2017: Avoiding Tree Damage During Construction: Part 5

Top Tree LLC can help you manage any tree hazards you have on your property. We are some of the best arborists in Richland and can either give you advice on how to manage your trees or perform any preventative maintenance you need. Here is the continuation of the series on Avoiding Tree Damage During Construction.

Visit the site at least once a day if possible. Your vigilance will pay off as workers learn to take your wishes seriously. Take photos at every stage of construction. If any infraction of the specifications does occur, it will be important to prove liability.

Final Stages
Careful planning and communicating with landscape designers and contractors is just as important as avoiding tree damage during construction. Irrigation system installation, grading, and planting bed cultivation can damage root systems.

Post-Construction Tree Maintenance
Your trees will require several years to adjust to the injury and environmental changes that occur during construction. Stressed trees are more prone to health problems, such as disease and insect infestations. Talk to your arborist about continued monitoring and maintenance for your trees.

Despite the best intentions and most stringent tree preservation measures, injury to your trees may still occur. Your arborist can suggest remedial treatments to help reduce stress and improve the growing conditions around your trees.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the series on avoiding tree damage. If you have any questions about any of this, please let us know.

We look forward to helping you with all of your tree removal and tree trimming needs. When and if you have any questions about your trees, shrubs, or any other greenery on your property, we can help. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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