September 2016: How To Transplant Trees: Part 3

Top Tree LLC is your best choice for all things “tree maintenance” in Richland. Whether you’re looking for help with trimming trees, any kind of maintenance, or anything else related the trees in your yard, we can be your best resource.

Using the tarp as a transporting medium, drag the plant over to the new hole (dug in steps 1-4). Gently slide it into the hole, and get it straight. Shovel the excavated soil back into the hole. Tamp this soil down firmly and water it as you go, to eliminate air pockets. The formation of air pockets could cause the tree or shrub to shift after transplanting.

Mound up the soil in a ring around the newly transplanted tree or shrub, forming a berm that will catch water like a basin. This will help you achieve your main objective from here on out — keeping the new transplant’s roots well watered, until it becomes established.

Spread a 3-inch layer of landscape mulch around the new transplant. But keep it a few inches away from the base of the tree or shrub, to promote air circulation and so as not to invite rodents from nibbling on the trunk. Rodents (the pests known as “voles,” for example) become emboldened by the cover that the mulch provides.

Then water, water, water. The first summer will be a difficult one for the plant to weather, unless it gets plenty of water. Watering is as essential as anything to success in shrub and tree transplanting.

Please continue reading about transplanting trees in our next post….

We look forward to being your first call when it comes to tree maintenance in Richland. Don’t hesitate calling us to ask us what you think are the smallest questions. We can’t wait to help you and have the chance to earn your business.

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