Grass & Trees Clean Your Air – August 2019: Part 1

Most people only associate clean air with trees. Grass also cleans our air and is often overlooked.  If you’re looking for guidance on how your lawn might be affecting your trees, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Trees & Grass Both Clean the Air – Turf Resource Center Did you know?

  • To a greater extent than trees, turfgrass acts as an agent to purify contaminants and control soil erosion.
  • Lawns are very efficient oxygen producers. They are about three times more effective than trees.  And, their season to produce oxygen is much longer than trees.
  • Another almost counter-intuitive assertion comes from Ron Barnett of American Plant Food, who states that turf produces more oxygen per square foot than “anything else” and replacing it with a patio or a single tree would be a net loss to air quality.
  • A typical 18-hole golf course produces enough oxygen to support 4,000 to 7,000 people. That means a state like Georgia for example, with its 430 golf courses, produces enough oxygen for more than 1 million people.
  • While carbon sequestration exists on tees, it was not nearly as much as occurs on the fairways and greens, and the researchers are still investigating the reasons for this difference.
  • A recent study has calculated that a mere ten percent increase in the amount of green space in built-up centers would reduce urban surface temperatures by as much as seven degrees. This seven degrees drop in temperature, which is equivalent to the average predicted rise through global warming by the 2080s, is caused by the cooling effect of water as it evaporates into the air from leaves and vegetation through a process called transpiration. “As the concern about global warming continues to escalate, local municipalities, state agencies and governments across the globe are attempting to address environmental concerns with the best of intentions. But some of their decisions, though well intended, may actually create unpleasant consequences in the not to distant future,” according to Turf Resource Center.

Using Top Tree LLC

Top Tree LLC is your best choice for any tree stump removal needs in the Tri-Cities.  All of our technicians are highly trained and properly certified.  We are happy to answer any questions you have now or in the future.

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