Continuing from part 1 of Tree Planting, we want to discuss the importance of planting your trees logically and smartly. Here is the continuation of those tips:
Be diligent and cautious – Before digging, contact your utility company to mark the location of any underground lines. You could be liable for damage done to such lines.
To prepare the site, mark a circle or square at least 3 times the diameter of the tree’s root ball. Excavate the area with a pick and spade. In clay soil, dig to a depth 2-4 inches shallower than the height of the rootball. In sandy soil, dig to a depth equal to the root ball. Leave the bottom of the hole firm and undisturbed.
To the excavated soil, add 25 percent, by volume, of a coarse organic amendment, such as sphagnum peat, compost or aged manure. Mix it well with the excavated soil; this becomes your backfill.
Plant Your Tree Properly – Try to plant trees when the weather is cool, cloudy and humid, but not windy. If you can’t plant right away, keep the tree in a cool, shady, protected spot and keep the roots moist. It helps to soak bare root trees and shrubs in a bucket of water overnight before planting.
Remove any plastic or metal containers from the root ball. Place the tree upright in the center of the planting hole. If the tree is in a fiber pot, tear off the sides. If the roots of a containerized tree are pot bound, “tease out” some of the roots and shallowly slit the rootball’s sides with your knife.
For balled and burlapped trees, cut any rope tied around the trunk and pull the burlap away. Cut any reinforcement wire, removing as much as possible, but be sure the root ball stays intact.
Shovel backfill into the hole; continue until roots are covered and most of the backfill is used. Don’t tamp the soil with your feet.
In Conclusion
Top Tree strives to earn your business. In order to do that, we ensure the best practices that are consistent with optimal tree care, our arborists are properly trained, and our customer service is top notch. If you are searching for a tree maintenance company in Kennewick that is superior in every way, we would like to earn your business.