May 2016 – Atlas Cedar & Cedar of Lebanon Trees

Taking care of of your cedar trees and shrubs is just a part of having trees and shrubs on your property. You will have to be mindful of various kinds of insects, fungus, weather damage, and of course, just the normal wear and tear a tree will go through.

The Atlas Cedar
The Atlas Cedar, which is originally from North Africa, is an irregular, wide pyramidal tree that makes a beautiful tree. The most common type planted is the Blue Atlas Cedar which has stunning silvery-blue needles. Needles are 3/4 to 1 inch in length. The silhouette is wide and open.

Fertilize with fertilizer formulas that promote woody, strong growth rather than excessive growth. Pruning longer branches when the tree is young can help it resist heavy snowfalls later in life.

Can be affected by weevils, borers, root rot, and sapsuckers. Atlas cedar is not particularly cold hardy, but is often sold in marginal climates. As a result, cold damage can be a problem.

Cedar of Lebanon
The Cedar of Lebanon is the most cold-hardy species of cedar. It is very similar to the Atlas Cedar, but with a much thicker trunk. The foliage is bright green and the canopy is open and irregular. Like the Atlas Cedar, it is not suited to street plantings, but makes an exceptional specimen tree.

Fertilize with formulations that promote woody, strong growth rather than excessive growth. Pruning is generally not necessary to grow a strong tree, but may be required to prevent low-hanging branches from interfering with pedestrian traffic.

When You Need Help
We want to be your “go to” resource for taking care of your trees. Whether it’s giving the best tree maintenance advice possible to take care of them or if you need the best company in Kennewick for tree removal, we are here for you. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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