May 2016 – Tree & Shrub Care – Birch Trees

Taking care of of your birch trees and shrubs is just a part of having trees and shrubs on your property. You will have to be mindful of various kinds of insects, fungus, weather damage, and of course, just the normal wear and tear a tree will go through.

The Birch Tree
Birch trees are a popular choice for the home landscaper here in the Tri-Cities. Their unique bark and beautiful leaves make them perfect shade and ornamental trees. However, they do demand a little care and attention. Not just any site or soil condition will do and many trees fail to reach maturity due to site and soil factors.

Probably the most important factor for a healthy birch tree is maintaining its soil. The soil determines not only how well it takes nutrients and water but also how efficiently the tree can use those nutrients. This will determine whether your birch can successfully withstand the stresses of growing in an urban environment or fend off pests such as the bronze birch borer. As a homeowner, the best gift you can make to your birch tree’s soil and to the long-term viability of your tree is the addition of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi.

When You Need Help
We want to be your “go to” resource for taking care of your trees. Whether it’s giving the best tree maintenance advice possible to take care of them or if you need the best company in Pasco for tree removal, we are here for you. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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